Shannon Ezell of Bakersfield, CA
3 deals signed up, with another in the pipe:

Ian Lemke of San Antonio, TX
$23,974.15 on his first deal.

Dawn & Jim from Salem, OR
Multiple deals signed up

Dawn & Jim from Salem, OR
Multiple deals signed up

Chris from Atlanta, GA
$29k check

Sheldon from Northern NJ
$50k deal

Steve from Erie, PA
Totally systemized his business

Preston from St. Joseph, MO
From tired landlord to $10k cash in hand, plus better cashflow:
Jenna from Plano, TX
Just signed up her first subject-to deal

Amy from Columbus, OH
Just got her first subject-to deal!

Maya from Atlanta, GA
Highly recommended!

Lanisha Haithcock Greensboro, NC
Thank you for signing me up!

Kurt Anderson Waterville Valley, NH
Very Excited learning new stuff!

Joe McCall from St. Louis, MO
Blair's doing a lot of deals Nationwide!

Nicholas Spohn from Davenport, IA
Steely-eyed Missile Man! 100 Doors Goal!
Justin Noethe from Indianola, IA
The scripts WORK!

Joe Hulguin
Quitting his day Job and focusing on closing more deals!
Kramon & Carolina from Lafayette, LA
Signed up 6 deals

Sophia from Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Highly recommended!

Kevin from Pennsylvania
Just made $5k from a deal he would've normally said no to
Tom from Denver, CO
Building his business while working a full-time job
Leo from Lexington, KY
Just follow the system and watch what happens!
Dave from Phoenix, AZ
Better than any program he's ever done, and he's done a lot!
Randy from Ft Myers, FL
Follow the system, it works!

Trey from Dallas, TX
First deal!

Mayra from Atlanta, GA
We're now about to get started with deal #4!
Bob Nelson from Draper, UT
The scripts will lead you on how to speak to your sellers!
Scott Lobben from Denver, CO
I just totally followed the scripts!

Katie Carlson from Denver, CO
This is really an awesome opportunity!

Bryan Tarner from Hagerstown, MA
First 30 days and already got a DEAL from the program!
Sarah Hite from Amherst, OH
Closing on my first DEAL!

Dawn & Jim from Salem, OR
Closing Deals after Deals!

Nick Spohn from Davenport, IA
I have more deals that I can't even handle!
Aaron Patterson from Maricopa, AR
1st Deal with Dealbot!
Kevin from Pennsylvania
Two deals signed up, with more in the pipe:
Nicole from Houston, TX
Potentially will net $30k-50k and get $340/mo cash flow:
Chris from Portland, OR
$10 in revenue for $1 spent on marketing:
Carolina from Lafayette, LA
First deal will possibly net $14k+...

Chris from Atlanta, GA
$40k deal under contract

Rolph from Boston, MA
Already has his very first deal under contract.
Leauna from Atlanta, GA
Brand new to the business and just got her first $15k payday!
DawnJimHorn from Salem, OR
First Million is always the hardest! The 2nd is the easiest one!
Mayra Senquiz
I recommend this to all of my friends!

Beth & Jeremy Schneider Denver, CO
You get to choose which 80 Hours a week you work!
Ed Lavin from San Clemente, CA
From the Ninja to 90-Day Program. All worth the investment!
Ruber Morgan from Las Vagas, NV
Take home profit of $20,000!

Candace LaRiche from Nassau County, NY
2 Properties under contract!
Sophia from Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2 deals in 1 week!

Sarah Hite from Amherst, OH
I can't believe that this is actually working!
William from Lihue, HI
Dealbot is a Game Changer!

The students on this page are our superstar clients and their results are not typical. You should not expect to achieve similar results. No results are promised and any results you may or may not achieve are entirely up to you. This is an educational program for educational purposes only. Most people who buy educational programs like this do not achieve this level of result. Examples provided are the specific experiences of the people providing those examples and have not been substantiated by us in any way.

Step 1: Watch The Video Below "What Is Pipeline"
(if you haven't already watched it...)
Step 2: WRITE Your Goals & Your Obstacles
One of the first things we're going to ask for on your Strategy Session with us is:

1. What do you want your life and business to look like 12 months from now? (e.g. more time with family, quit your 9-5 job, $10k/mo passive income)

2. What do YOU think is keeping you from reaching those goals? 

So please take 5-10 minutes RIGHT NOW to get a pad and pen and literally WRITE OUT BY HAND your top 3 goals and challenges.
More client success...
(click images to enlarge)

The students on this page are our superstar clients and their results are not typical. You should not expect to achieve similar results. No results are promised and any results you may or may not achieve are entirely up to you. This is an educational program for educational purposes only. Most people who buy educational programs like this do not achieve this level of result. Examples provided are the specific experiences of the people providing those examples and have not been substantiated by us in any way.

Dan DeLeo, Raleigh, NC

I am a Dealbot Pipeline participant and prior to this had been a Dealbot marketing client. I want to take a moment to share my experience and share why I am confident that the Pipeline program is a tremendous investment for other real estate entrepreneurs. 

As background, I have been investing in real estate for about seven years, four years full time. I have done dozens of deals as first a wholesaler and now a rehabber and buy and hold investor. All but one of the deals I have done were cash deals as this was all I knew. 

While I’d consider myself successful to date including a reasonable “on the job” education and a good project management system in place, I knew I needed to invest in education and in a partnership that allowed me to increase my deal flow.

I saw a FB ad this past summer for Dealbot and, as I typically do, I went to the website to do some homework. Dealbot promised to immediately increase my deal flow through their marketing system or ‘machine.’ What I immediately liked was the following:

- This marketing program was specifically tailored to real estate investors like myself
- Blair, the owner of Dealbot, and his team were real estate investors like me (not just sideline coaches)
- The program was scalable. Meaning, I could start with a certain territory focus and expand as I was ready
- The system was multi-faceted. There were various approaches Dealbot offered to target my audience

I scheduled an onboarding call with one of Blair’s associates, Darren. The discussions went very well. Darren was knowledgeable (because he was an investor himself) but not pushy. The pricing was fair and again, the system was scalable.

So I came onboard. The system was setup quickly over a matter of days. Over the two months that I was on the Dealbot system I received roughly 50 leads that I otherwise would not have ever had! 

I quickly had two deals and others in the pipeline that are in the process of closing! I want to reiterate: I NEVER WOULD HAVE HAD THESE DEALS WITHOUT DEALBOT. Beyond this, Blair and Darren were both accessible and responsive. 

A fear of mine was that I’d pay a marketing company, they’d onboard me and then disappear. 

This was NOT the case! The support has been great.

As timing would have it about two months into my relationship with Dealbot Blair reached out regarding his concept of the Pipeline program: Done WITH you not FOR you. 

To be honest, at first I was hesitant. I liked the idea of a hands off approach. However, upon discussion with Blair I realized that this program would allow me COMPLETE CONTROL of my marketing future (and cost). Beyond this I already knew that Blair had a great program meaning he had the knowledge and system to pass along making the investment worthwhile.

It turns out that even this high expectation was blown away. The Pipeline program is a comprehensive, detailed, thorough and well-developed system to dominate your real estate market by strategically attacking leads from both inbound and outbound angles. 

From a lead generation system and a focus on automation over man hours to call scripts, contracts and more the system has it all. I mentioned earlier that I have always been a cash buyer; well, now my toolbox includes owner financing, lease-options and more! 

These tools allow me to take advantage of deals I would’ve simply passed on before Dealbot. Best of all though the Pipeline program continues to have human contact through regular calls, emails and communication with Blair and his team.

The Pipeline system focuses on DEALS. These deals can come in many shapes, sizes and styles but if you’re serious about growing your business you need action right? The Pipeline program provides that! 

No longer am I seeking a property, renovating a property then starting at scratch to seek another. The deals are flowing while I work, while I sleep and while I play; it’s awesome!

If you’re serious about growing your business I would strongly suggest the Dealbot Pipeline program; it will be a game changer!

-Dan DeLeo
Owner, Lion Properties

The students on this page are our superstar clients and their results are not typical. You should not expect to achieve similar results. No results are promised and any results you may or may not achieve are entirely up to you. This is an educational program for educational purposes only. Most people who buy educational programs like this do not achieve this level of result. Examples provided are the specific experiences of the people providing those examples and have not been substantiated by us in any way.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know this isn't a scam...?

We appreciate this question. You should thoroughly vet the people you choose to work with... but ultimately this comes down to a couple things. First, does what we're saying "make sense"? Can you see how it would work? That's the first step... if the education we've given you (for free) has made sense, then that's the first thing you want to consider. Second, have you had a conversation with us? You can tell a LOT by getting on the phone with someone. Follow your gut. Third, look at the VIDEOS above... the interviews. The amount of people we've helped - genuinely - get results. What do you think we threatened these peoples' families into giving us this stuff? No. We're very good at what we do and we authentically care about people. No scams here.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yeah. I guarantee you that if you don't make a change or get the expertise needed to change, you'll either grow VERY slowly or you'll not move at all. When I first got started in business as a real estate investor, the VERY FIRST thing I did was find a coach and pay him more money than I had to help me grow faster. It worked, barely three months into my new business I was depositing thousands of dollars into my bank. We see it time & time again - there are NO guarantees in life EXCEPT that if you keep doing what you've been doing, nothing will change, and you'll get no results. The "cost" of figuring all this out by yourself is astronomically higher than the "investment" required to work together.

What about the due-on-sale clause?

If you do these transactions the right way, the due-on-sale clause simply isn't an issue. We do everything with an attorney so we can be sure the paperwork is done properly. And if you're atty isn't familiar with it, we provide all the paperwork necessary. Could the bank still call the loan due? Sure. Will they? They haven't on any of the transactions we've done, but they probably will for you. :-)

What if I'm a total beginner?

It's a good question, and without getting into the weeds on this, let me just say that I've worked with a number of clients who were brand new to real estate and we got them going in this business, no sweat. So in my experience, it's not an issue.  
And actually - sometimes it's BETTER if you have no background in real estate because then you come in with a clean slate - no preconceived notions about the business that you have to "un-learn" to really be successful. (don't get me started on the brainwashing in the traditional realtor cartel... :-)
It all boils down to that old Henry Ford quote, which I will butcher for you right now: "whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."  

Will this work in my market?

Yes, it will work anywhere there are houses and people want to live in them. Doesn't matter if you're in a big city or a small town or something in between. We've done deals locally and remotely. As long as you have some boots on the ground in the area you want to buy houses, you can do this business, and run it from your desk in about 5 hrs/wk.  I have friends doing this business in an area with total population of 40,000 people (rural area) and he'll clear $2mm net this year. So it doesn't matter where you are.

How much will it cost to run this business... how much will I need to spend on marketing?

That's the beauty of doing the business how we do it - your overhead can be VERY small.  When you're starting out, you might plan to spend about $600/mo on overhead - INCLUDING MARKETING. I'm up to about $4k/mo in overhead (including marketing) but I didn't start there. You work your way up to that level. My whole team works from home, and some of them are paid commission-only.

Are you actually doing this business, or just teaching people how to do it? Do you make more money selling courses or flipping houses?

Good question - because you want to learn from someone who's actually DOING what they're teaching. We are actively doing this business as Transactional Engineers. Blair does 4-6 deals a month like this, working from home, in about 5 hrs/wk. Jeff has been doing this for nearly 20 years and has done close to 2,000 transactions. Do we make more money selling courses than we do flipping houses? Jeff: "HEEEEECK No..."  Blair: "Not yet, but that's the plan."

How many other people are doing this in my area?

I don't know - I don't know where you are. In my area (Winston-Salem & Charlotte, NC), I know of 2, maybe 3 people doing the business this way. As we've stated in the webinar, 98% of investors are NOT doing the business like we do it. This affords us an extremely lucrative, undervalued opportunity in the market. But even if there were tons of people in your market doing this, there are millions of houses out there to buy. I am not concerned with competition in the LEAST. If I was, I wouldn't be teaching people how to do this business in my own market. You might know some "gurus" who won't teach people who are doing deals in the same city they are.  Me? I don't care about competition because there are more houses and opportunities out there than any one person/company could EVER buy.
The Pipeline Workshop
"Pipeline" is a 12-week workshop designed for the following clients:

- Beginning and Experienced Real Estate Investors and Agents.
- Anybody who wants to make a full-time income while building passive income, working part-time hours from home.
- Anybody who wants to make money and build wealth in real estate no matter what the economy or housing market is doing.

Our expertise lies in getting your Transactional Real Estate business up and running smoothly, to the point where you're only putting in about 5 hrs/wk. We do this by working with you to build out your systems - your buying machine, and your selling machine. So you can CONTROL your monthly deal flow. Most clients end up getting their first deal within the first 60 days.
Step 1: Foundational Systems
Setting up your systems correctly is the difference between a dream business that allows you all the time freedom you want and a nightmare business that sucks the very life out of you every day. We don't have any fancy software application you have to buy from us. We'll show you the exact tools you need that already exist in the market - the same tools we use in our own house-flipping business to run this from our desk in about 5 hrs/wk.  
Step 2: Magic Words
DEAL STRUCTURING. My mentor, Ron LeGrand, always says: "what comes out of your mouth determines what goes into your bank account." What you say to the seller and how you say it is the maker or breaker for your business. We'll give you the exact scripts you can use to get sellers to make offers to YOU (instead of you making offers to them), and then show you how to delegate this to an acquisitions manager.
Step 3: Reverse Marketing
There are two forms of marketing for deals: inbound and outbound. Your cheapest cost per deal will come from outbound marketing, e.g. cold calling, etc. However, your easiest deals will come from inbound marketing. We'll show you how to use the latest tools and strategies to get sellers calling YOU - our proven Facebook campaigns, our in-house Google Ads team, and our best-performing direct mail campaigns.
Step 4: Speed Selling
Once you have a deal under contract, it's time to sell it. When you implement the strategies we use, selling the house will be the easiest part of your business. Just like we buy from "motivated sellers", we sell to "motivated buyers". We get a flood of buyer leads on every property we put out there, your job is to simply pick the best one to sell it to (i.e. who's got the most money!)
Step 5: Sustainability & Liberation
The whole goal here is not the money, it's the freedom the money can give you. If you're making a boat load of money but you don't have time to enjoy it, what's the point? You'll see exactly how to get your business to the point where 95% of the day-to-day tasks are either automated or delegated. This is "real estate nirvana" - where all you do is make decisions on which houses to buy and which buyers to accept. This is where we've got our own Transactional Real Estate business to, and we'll show you exactly how you can do the same.
Listen in on Some of our private client Q&A Calls
These happen twice a week in our world, with actionable guidance for real-world situations...
Call #1:
Call #2:
Call #3:
Call #4:
Call #5:
Call #6:

The students on this page are our superstar clients and their results are not typical. You should not expect to achieve similar results. No results are promised and any results you may or may not achieve are entirely up to you. This is an educational program for educational purposes only. Most people who buy educational programs like this do not achieve this level of result. Examples provided are the specific experiences of the people providing those examples and have not been substantiated by us in any way.

DISCLAIMER: Individuals Results May Vary, and you should expect ZERO results. Please understand our results are not typical. We are not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. We are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT opt-in for training.This website is not a part of Facebook or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook Inc.  

These reviews are from real customers and they have not been compensated in any way for their review or endorsement.